EU Referendum

Brexit: impact assessments


Given the spectacular failure of David Davis to deliver credible (or any) impact assessments, I've been asked to produce a list of sites which offer information on the impacts of Brexit. 

This comes after the publication of a House of Lords Report on the impact of a hard or "no deal" Brexit, trailed by the Guardian on the day of publication.

Without further ado, therefore, I have compiled with the assistance of readers, a list of links to relevant sites, which I append below. I will ask Pete to put up a link on the menu toolbar (above) and then add to and refine the list, to provide an ongoing resource.

If the pic looks familiar, it's one I used here, dealing with customs and related issues. Anyway, here is the list (most, but not all from EU Ref):

1. Aerospace industry and here
2. Airlines and here;
3. Airlines: Third Country Operators;
4. Air Traffic Management;
5. Animal Exports;
6. Automotive industry (vehicle certification) and here;
7. Bloodstock Sports (Horseracing);
8. British Standards Institute (CENELEC etc);
9. CETA and EU exports;
10. Chemicals (REACH) and here;
11. Cosmetics;
12. Customs systems;
13. Damage Assessment (Adding it up);
14. Digital Market;
15. Driving Licenses, etc ;
16. Euratom (Pete North);
17. Financial contributions (Monograph 3);
18. Financial Services (Monograph 14) and Select Committee Report;
19. Fishing;
20. Food exports;
21. Formula 1 (Racing cars) ;
22. Geographical Indications;
23. Hazardous Area Equipment;
24. Medical Isotopes;
25. Maritime Surveillance;
26. Meat Industry;
27. Passenger Lifts;
28. Passport Union;
29. Pharmaceuticals Industries (Medicines);
30. Pharmaceutical Ingredients;
31. Port Operations and here;
32. Third Country Status;
33. Timber and related products;
34. Trade cooperation;

and also …

35. European Parliament Impact Studies.

Any suggestions for further entries would be appreciated.