To date (12 April 2017), seventeen Brexit Monographs have been published in .pdf format:
Monograph 1: Single Market participation and free movement of persons.Monograph 2: The WTO Option and its application to Brexit.
Monograph 6: Post-Brexit regulation.
Monograph 7: Trade agreements.
Monograph 8: WTO schedules and concessions.
Monograph 9: A European Economic Space.
Monograph 10: Liechtenstein reprised.
Monograph 11: Authorised Economic Operators (AEOs).
Monograph 12: Taking back control.
Monograph 13: International quasi-legislation and the EU.
Monograph 14: Financial Services and Brexit.
Monograph 15: Leaving the Single Market.
Monograph 16: Leaving the Customs Union.
Monograph 17: Food exports to the EU.
Click the active links to access the publications.