EU Referendum

EU Referendum: an appeal for funds


With the launch of The Leave Alliance on 16 March, we will be creating an independent force in the referendum campaign, standing aside from the official group (when it is finally designated), as the "go to" body for propaganda-free support for the "leave" campaign.

We have in common a commitment to win this referendum, to which effect we are unanimous in our support for Flexcit as one of the necessary tools for victory.

We are not in competition with the other leave campaigns. We aim to augment them, and provide a platform for those who are not attracted by their campaigning style, yet want to take an active part in the campaign.

Our main activities, as befits a modern campaign, will be online, but we also expect to partake in many "human interface" activities, ranging from leafleting to meeting, small and large, and discussion groups.

As regards our strategy, we have a three-point plan which we call "Opening the DOR" to victory. First, we must Debunk Mr Cameron's fraudulent deal, showing it to be nothing but empty promises of little consequence, even if implemented.

Secondly, we aim to promote our own Offer, vision of what a post-exit Britain should be. The objectives here are a genuine, continent-wide European Single Market, freed from the dead hand of Brussels; kick-starting the global trading system and placing Britain and the centre of the global network; and re-energising our system of government, making our democracy fit for the 21st Century.

Thirdly, we must give people Reassurance that the objectives are achievable, and will not involve any political or economic penalty. Together, Debunk, Offer and Reassurance (DOR) is the heart of our campaign contribution.

Central to our online activities is our growing "Bloggers Army". Many of our committed bloggers have day jobs and, if they are to devote more time to the campaign, need assistance and financial support. Equally, the individuals in our group need funding, not least Pete North, who is being employed full-time for the duration of the campaign.

That said, we are an incredibly lean machine, highly efficient, with no bloated corporate expenses, or highly-paid CEOs or campaign directors. Thus, we estimate we can run our entire campaign for about £50,000 – in addition to the funds which our member bodies already attract.

As a registered campaigner, the fund accounts will be submitted to the Electoral Commission and will be published in full after the referendum. To assist potential donors, Pete has set up a "FundRazr" panel on the sidebar (right), which also keeps a running tally of the amount donated. All you have to do is click the panel and follow the simple steps to making a donation.

Come what may, we are all personally committed to winning, and will do so whatever the cost. Through the 12-year life of this blog, we have been kept going by the amazing generosity of our readers, for which we cannot express enough gratitude. This current call for funds effectively amounts to £2 per reader.

Any amount you can donate will be welcome, and put to good work, powering the part of the campaign that could just make the difference.