EU Referendum

Greece: told you so


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I hate to say, I told you so, but I did:
My guess … is that we will see from the new Greek government some ritual chest beating and some scare headlines from the pundits, followed by a few minor concessions from the "colleagues" and some none-too-subtle waving of the big stick. Then the Greeks will knuckle under like they always do, and some sort of stability will be restored, with limited disruption to the EU as a whole.
God knows how much excitable rubbish has been written and talked about "Grexit" – almost as much as has been talked about Ukip, I'll warrant, and will be about the EU referendum.

But, it was never going to be. At the eleventh hour and 59 minutes, a deal was done - an outcome, the nature of which was pre-ordained. Dick "with one bound he was free" Barton has nothing on the EU.

For all that, readers might want to note the more prominent of those who so earnestly prattled on about "Grexit" - to say nothing of those who were so certain there would be a 2016 referendum - and remember them when the next hystérie du jour comes rushing round the corner.

Empty vessels, and all that ...