EU Referendum

EU politics: and so to the Muppet show


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The self-important Open Europe today ran its ludicrous seminar in the heart of bubble land, fronting chancellor George Osborne to tell "Europe" that its treaties are not fit for purpose. It must reform - or Britain might leave the EU, he said. Unbelievably, he agreed with Hague's tired little mantra, "in Europe but not run by Europe".

The answer, however, was already posted at Gare du Midi in Brussels (where the Eurostar arrives), sent to me by a reader – based on a comment in the Daily Mash.

However, the Muppets are so full of their own importance that they actually believe they have something interesting to say. Yet, as I wrote yesterday, entirely absent is any idea that we belong to a group of 28 countries, all of which have an equal say over what comes out of any treaty negotiations.

Thus, the real show is not in London, but here, with the "colleagues" in the advanced stages of preparing for a treaty convention. At this, the Open Europe Muppets, with their fatuous reform agenda, will be completely sidelined.

What we are actually dealing with, though, is a cynical attempt by the Muppets and their legacy media claque to capture the agenda in the UK. The aim is to peel support away from the "out" movement, offering the false prospectus of a "third way" of reforming the EU.

And, as Autonomous Mind notes, Muppet-in-chief Matts Persson even has the gall to complain that "Europhiles" have been allowed to set the terms of debate. Given that there is not a fag paper between his stance and that of the European Movement, one is staggered by his lack of self-awareness.

But then, one certain characteristic of being in the bubble is that you can't actually see yourself in it. Nevertheless, while the bubble-dwellers prattle about "reform", the show goes on. The Muppets have had their day, even if they will be the last to know.