EU Referendum

Bailiffs: the theft goes on


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I had an early telephone call this morning from a friend who, as he was speaking, was confronting a man who claimed to be a bailiff. The man had planted his foot in the opening of his front door and was demanding entry, to enforce a parking penalty from Leeds City Council, now inflated to £340.

To go into detail of this case is not necessary – suffice it to say that the so-called bailiff was breaking so many laws that it would take a pages to list and explain them. And we have done this issue to death, many times.

But the fact of the matter is that, every day, thousands of private – or "certificated" – bailiffs routinely break the law, intimidating people into paying money they don't owe and should not pay, to feed a multi-million extortion industry.

Thus, we see once again a limp attempt by the legacy media to report the issue, writing again of "rogue bailiffs". But the fact is that industry business model is based on illegality. The behaviour is not "rogue". It is standard practice.

Furthermore, this illegality is routinely conducted for and on behalf of local authorities, with their knowledge and complicity. It is done with the tacit approval of the police who conspire with local authorities to take no action, even when complaints are made of behaviour which they admit to be illegal.

At least we are rid of one of the creatures, Norman Bettison, a man with a past, who was content to see illegality continue unabated.

However, what our gifted law-makers (aka MPs) -  who so assiduously look after their own expenses - need to realise is that that entire local authority finance system is based on and underpinned by illegality.

In the context, to have a situation where we, the taxpayers, are required to obey the law, only to have our masters routinely and deliberately permit the law to be broken, is intolerable. This is theft pure and simple – by scum, for scum. If our MPs continue to permit it, they are themselves complicit. They are the scum who allow it.