EU Referendum

Eurocrash: Greece "was a mistake"


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On the day that Juncker said that a Greek exit from the euro would be "maneagable", the grand old man, Helmut Schmidt, appears on a German TV programme, cigarette in hand, to tell the world that letting the Greece join the euro in the first place was "a mistake".

For those of you who believe in coincidences, this was a coincidence. And I have tooth fairies at the bottom of my garden who have a magnificent bridge to sell you.

Nevertheless, while manageable, Greece leaving is "not desirable" says Juncker, and he rules out the exit, "at least until the end of the autumn - and after that, too". That could be sometime never, of course, except that this man openly admits that, "When it becomes serious, you have to lie".

And how do we know when Juncker is lying?