EU Referendum



An invitation by the EU commission to a conference in Brussels, passed to us by Owen Paterson MP, Tory shadow agriculture spokesman, has left the puzzled invitee wondering whether to accept.

This may have something to do with the declared purpose of the conference:

The decision of DG Research to organise a Forum on these matters is to be seen in relation to both the in-built provision of the Action Plan which foresees its interim review by the end of 2004, and the renewal of the policy landscape of the enlarged Union in a time when policy makers concentrate on a consistent effort towards meeting the objectives of Lisbon and Goteborg (competitiveness and sustainability).
In order to assist this poor, tortured man, we have decided to offer a prize of a pristine copy of The Great Deception to the reader who can offer the most imaginative translation.

Small print

The prize-winner will be announced next Monday or some time thereafter and the decision of the editors will be final. In keeping with the tradition of the EU, the rules of the competition are secret and may be changed at any time, including retrospectively. Respecting the diversity of member states, the gender distribution of prospective contestants, and the needs of minority groups, the rules are not available in twenty languages. If your language is not included, please advise us and we will not include that one as well. Any accusations of rigging and corruption will be ignored and the complainant(s) punished - after a completely impartial investigation by the editors.