EU Referendum

The revised treaty - it's up!


As forecast last Wednesday, the new draft of the constitutional "reform" treaty is up on the EU Council site – in all the Community languages.

Officially, its title is still the eye-catching "Draft Treaty amending the Treaty on European Union and the Treaty establishing the European Community". The informal title of "reform" treaty is merely part of the spin the colleagues insist upon as a means of making is "user friendly" or some such. It has no legal or official standing.

As before, the draft comes in four parts:

  • Recitals - 2 pages

  • Main treaty - 152 pages

  • Protocols - 76 pages

  • Draft declarations - 25 pages
  • At 255 pages, it seems to have shrunk slightly from the original 277 pages (still accessible - links from here) so there has obviously been some element of re-writing.

    This is the version which will be discussed at the forthcoming IGC in Lisbon, now only two weeks away, so we'll have a look at some of the changes and post the details over the next few days or so.