EU Referendum

Are the MSM listening to themselves - open thread for Friday


The thread on anti-Americanism was running well enough for me to let it go for an extra 24 hours, which may have been a mistake. So far, so good. However, it is time (not a pun despite the picture) to move on (also not a pun on that egregious Soros-funded American organization).

Time Magazine has excelled itself in tastelessness, as Michelle Malkin points out. As North America starts recovering from one of the hardest winters for a long time; as we just begin to count the human and animal costs of an extraordinarily cold winter in Asia; as the world adjusts to the notion that the ethanol scam will have to be stopped because quite predictably it is helping to raise food prices in poor countries (though controlling the price of bread as the Egyptian government has done for decades is hardly helpful) this no longer respectable publication has decided to raise the flag for the war against global warming.

One does not quite know where to start. In the first place, what is the point in annoying so many of your readers by misusing an iconic picture of the Iwo Jima flag? Secondly, given the severity of the winter and the hardship that is causing, not to mention the figures that show a lack of global temperature rise in the last seven years, is this a war that anybody should be fighting?

Thirdly, exactly how can we wage war on global warming? There is no parallel here with the war on terror as that obviously implies war on terrorists, both state and individual. But a war on climate change? What these people need is King Canute who demonstrated to his sycophantic courtiers that he could do nothing about the waves.

Finally, there is another issue. (Oh dear, not another pun, honest.) Time Magazine has four different issues across the world. Three of them carry the stupid and tasteless cover demonstrated above. The fourth one, for Europe, carries a picture of Gordon Brown. Can someone explain this?

So there we are, forum. Are the MSM listening to themselves. Discuss.

OK, once again, let's roll.