EU Referendum

We can knit


"Those who remember their Charles Dickens will remember exactly why Madame Defarge knits: she is recording in code the names of those members of the elite whom she will ensure are killed when the revolution comes. So I offer this as fair warning to the LibDem MEP Andrew Duff: I can knit".

In another delicious offering from Mary Ellen Synon, it's interesting how we are all beginning to use the same rhetoric, albeit some in a coded, guarded way. But anyone with a feel for history and an understanding of the way the world works knows that the political élites are lining themselves up for a fall.

With that, I really get a little tired of the people who are telling me that I should not write such things ... that I am getting a reputation for being "extreme". But some of these are people who revere Jefferson as the great historical figure, the great democrat and statesman. Yet it was he who wrote about governments fearing their people. Was he extreme?

Another thing here. There is much nonsense talked about the right to bear arms in the United States. What people lose sight of is that that right is for. It is not to allow Americans to defend their homes against burglars. It is there so that Americans can defend themselves against their government.

In recognises that, in the final analysis, if government gets out of control, the citizens of the nation must rise up, march on Washington and depose them, and - let's not beat about the bush here – if necessary, kill the politicians and their supporters. The American constitution and the freedom of the people is underwritten by the promise that, if the politicians get out of control and usurp their power, they will be killed.

There is also a recognition that it is unsafe to allow the state a monopoly of violence. And again let's not beat about the bush. Behind that nice, smiling Mr Scumeron stand ranks of uniformed thugs, some with guns and some with sticks. If you do not do as the State tells you, they will come and get you. If you resist, they will forcibly restrain you, beat you up and perhaps kill you.

The State's power, therefore, is underwritten by violence. And in the way they have all but disarmed us, the State has a near monopoly of violence. But in fact it doesn't. The classic revolution relies on state thugs - either the army or police - changing sides, or the people killing the thugs and stealing their weapons. The more police thugs who carry arms, the easier that will get.

In the meantime – and for a short time only - they have the power. But there is a huge difference between a state that is governed by consent and with the willing participation and support of the people, and one ruled by force, where people obey through fear and coercion. Here in England, we are moving from one to the other. The latter is unstable, and must eventually break, even if it takes decades to do so.

For the moment, though, all we can do is watch and wait. But, as with Madame Defarge, we can remind them up there, those with their noses in the air and their easy contempt for our aspirations, that we too can knit. If they are too stupid to mend their ways, the revolution will come - and we, the committee of public safety, have their names.