EU Referendum

Non credo quia absurdum est


In April 2010, they were saying Greek default was not going to happen. It took just over the year for Greece to lie on its economic deathbed, the death rattle in its throat. And now, the "colleagues" agree that default is inevitable.

Yet they are going to ring fence the collapse and prevent the spread of contagion. And the reason we should believe them is?

Meanwhile, the very hot frog is very kind, noting that it isn't me this time who is joking about rising up and killing them all. It's the Greeks – and a lady to boot.

And I do like what the Greeks are saying … "We can't watch the television news any more," says Dmitris, shaking his head. "...Perhaps it's fortunate that we've had to cancel our cable TV subscription. I don't trust the media any more: I get all my news from the internet". Oddly, this is printed in The Sunday Telegraph. The paper doesn't realise that many of us feel exactly the same way.

And, with that, the money quote comes here:
Antonis Papayiannidis, who publishes Economic Monthly, warns: "In an almost detached way people have just watched the catastrophe happening to them. They were very displeased but they did not erupt. They became withdrawn and they are still withdrawn. But it could erupt very quickly, because the feeling of helplessness is very intense right now - in a way that makes the petrol bombs and barricades of June look pathetic".
Please, please do not think this man is just talking about Greece. The way we are being stuffed by our rulers, we will not be far behind. Greek politicians have started to worry about something called "anomie" – a pervasive listlessness, low-level social conflict and the erosion of bonds between the country's citizens and the state.

We have that here. If I was a British politician, at any level, I would be very, very afraid.