EU Referendum

A conspiracy of scientists


The ultimate irony of Charles's visit yesterday to the CRU is that there is an ongoing investigation by Jonathan Leake at The Sunday Times into the conspiracy of scientists at the unit to thwart Freedom of Information inquiries.

Even as the Prince was telling the crooks at the unit to "keep up the good work", Graham Smith, the deputy information commissioner was sending Leake a statement confirming that requests under the Freedom of Information Act were not dealt with as they should have been under the legislation.

And that, stated Smith, breached Section 77 of the Freedom of Information Act, which makes it an offence for public authorities to act so as to prevent intentionally the disclosure of requested information.

Watts up with that has been following the story and he reports in detail on a saga that is going to run and run.

Much more of this, though, and we will be adopting a new collective noun for scientists, which will become as natural to use a "gaggle of geese". Thus will pass into the English language, a "conspiracy of scientists".