EU Referendum

Go boil your head


We really do not need any lessons on duty from David Cameron, the man who has presided over a lacklustre opposition, which more often than not has failed to engage and lacked coherence .

The Boy is stating that with Britain at war in Afghanistan, the public has to give full and unequivocal support to troops and their families. And that demand comes a week after he returned from his first visit since taking office to Afghanistan, where the number of British troops killed since 2001 stands at 299 and will soon reach 300.

But there is no "has to" about giving support to the troops, and especially not about giving support to the Afghan adventure. If Cameron chooses to keep the troops in Afghanistan, that is his decision. But it is not one with which we agree and it is that which places the greatest stress on the armed forces, and exposes them to the greatest danger and hardship.

If he wants to improve the lot of the armed forces, he needs to get them out of Afghanistan – not come bleating to us about "duty".